PhD supervising
Supervision of PhD students:
In progress:
- Md Sadique Ali. " Mechanical behavior of cellular materials for nautic applications ". Université Bretagne Sud. From October 2024.
- Marie Robin. " Ballistic impact protection: study of rear effects ". Université Bretagne Sud. From May 2023.
- Pierre-Louis Pichard. " Development of bio-inspired architectured composite materials from partially lunar resources ". Université Bretagne Sud. From October 2022.
- David Kerihuel. " Multiaxial behavior of polymer-based cellular materials ". Université Bretagne Sud. 7 September 2024. in French (available soon)
- Jean-Baptiste Le Bail. " Modeling the mechanical behavior of a polyurethane foam shock absorber under load: towards a fatigue design approach ". ENSTA-Bretagne. 8 February 2022. in French (PhD Thesis available from 8 Feb 2027)
- Morwan Adlafi. " Study of protection for equipment carried by infantrymen subjected to impacts from fragment-type projectiles ". Université Bretagne Sud. 16 décembre 2021. in French (PhD Thesis)
- Vincent Lafilé. " Behavior and failure of metallic materials: effects of stress state and strain rate ". Université Bretagne-Sud. 19 October 2018. in French. (PhD Thesis)
- Adrien Donnard. " Study of the mechanical behavior of cellular materials under multi-axial loading conditions ". Arts et Métiers ParisTech. 18 June 2018. in French. (PhD Thesis)